DORKBOT-SOCAL 4-July-2004 - KUCI: Opendork Audio Broadcast BBQ

[ S P E C S ]

*** JULY 4th 2004 - Noon (SUNDAY)
*** KUCI 88.9 FM, UC Irvine (Studios & Outdoor Patio)
*** Hosts: Ryan Schoelerman and Mike Boyle
*** Bring: Audio/Electronic Gear, Noise-Making Machines, Recordings, Food, Drinks
*** Map: Mapquest Map

[ L I V E - E V E N T - F O R M A T ]

We will be meeting on the patio between the KUCI FM ( headquarters and the Arts Computation Engineering buildings at UC Irvine at noon on July 4th, 2004. This event is directly adjacent to the May 2004 DORKBOT-SOCAL event location.

This event will be in in "opendork" format: you are invited to bring audio equipment, noise-making machines, strange robots, electronic gear, recordings, and ideas. We will be transmitting live to air for the duration of the day, and will strive to integrate your ideas and gear into the mix.

Simultaneously, we'll also be having a BBQ: bring food and drink and be prepared to socialize, jam, and experiment.

[ L I S T E N - O N L I N E ]

On July 4th 2004, you can listen to us live via the internet and on FM radio - tune in to catch the event.

MP3 24k:
MP3 128k:
RealAudio 24k:
RealAudio 128k:
FM Radio: 88.9 FM in Southern California
(And available via iTunes as "KUCI" under the category of "Public".)